Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Cooking Tofu for Vegans

If you are a Vegan, are considering becoming a Vegan, or know or love somebody who already is a Vegan, you probably have some idea of how important tofu is in the Vegan diet. Many people think that cooking tofu for Vegans is difficult to do, and many others still think that tofu doesn’t taste good but there are plenty of people out there that would choose to differ.

Many people think that cooking tofu for Vegans is difficult to do, and many others still think that tofu doesn’t taste good but there are plenty of people out there that would choose to differ.

Cooking tofu for vegans isn’t difficult, but it is a matter of science just as any other cooking is a science. Including tofu in your diet is a good way to supplement your meals. It acts as a replacement for that which meat would normally provide, as far as essential vitamins and minerals go. Many of the non-meat products that you buy in the grocery store are actually made with tofu; that is how commonplace and important tofu is in many aspects of the Vegan diet.

Is cooking tofu imperative for Vegans? Probably not. Tofu is a soy bean product, and soy beans are packed with protein. Protein is the important part of meat that makes it so imperative in our diet, so replacing meat with tofu in your diet is a great way of keeping the protein and eliminating the dangerous animal fat. The problem with being a vegetarian lies in the dangers of not having enough protein in your diet, but tofu can help to eliminate this as a risk at all if you regularly include it in your diet as you would meat.

Many vegans out there choose not to include tofu in their diets, simply for reasons of taste. Not everybody is going to like everything and let’s face it; tofu isn’t one of the tastiest foods out there, but it can be worked with. Cooking tofu is an art. Tofu can definitely ruin a meal, but not if it’s prepared right.

It is often said that when you cook with tofu, it does not maintain a taste of its own, but it does tend to take the taste of the food it is prepared with. For example, if you were to include tofu in a Vegan tofu stir fry, it takes the taste of the noodles and soy sauce in the stir fry; if you include tofu in spaghetti, it would take the taste of the vegetables and/or the marinara sauce.

For Vegans, cooking tofu can be rather intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. If you are considering become a Vegan, or just want to learn about cooking tofu for a Vegan you love, there are ways to learn. The internet is chock full of great recipes for tofu-cooking beginners, from the tofu spaghetti and stir-fry that was already discussed to great veggie burgers, hot dogs, and other things.

Cooking tofu for Vegans doesn’t have to be a chore, and with proper information and a bit of practice, you shouldn’t have to live with results that are less than pleasing for very long.

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