Thursday, February 16, 2012

Vegan Red Risotto with Baby Greens


2 1/4 cups of cooked white rice
10 oz. of favorite tomato/pasta Sauce + 1 oz. of water
1 green pepper
3 garlic cloves
2 portabello mushrooms
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1/4 cup of chopped onion
1 cup of white cooking wine
salt and pepper to taste
1 bag of spring mix baby salad greens


Heat oil in a large skillet--burner should be on medium. Mince garlic; chop green pepper, onion, and mushrooms into bite size pieces. Combine veggies and garlic; place mixture into pan with heated oil in 1/4 amount increments. After all of mixture is in pan, let saute for roughly 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour in vegan wine and stir. Cover with a pan lid and let simmer for about 5 minutes, or until peppers are tender. Spoon in cooked rice and mix together. Pour in tomato sauce, mixing well with rice. Season with salt and pepper. Continue to heat and stir mixture until creamy--if you need to add a little water or oil to reach a tasty consistency, please do!

Arrange baby greens on a plate and top with thoroughly heated risotto. Shake on some oregano onto plate and meal for presentation and a dash of flavor.

This is great with garlic vegan bread!

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 30-45 minutes

Source of recipe: